Friday, February 17, 2012

68 Days-Updated Lists

This week marked ten weeks until the Kick Off party.  Ten weeks feels like a very long time and not much time.  And in the same confusing way I feel ready for this hike and not ready.  If I was to leave tomorrow I’d be okay.  Most of the things left on my lists I could get by without doing—there are some exceptions like I still need a bear canister—but others are niceties, improvements, or they are style choices (like the mail drops).
During the week I worked more on my food.  I checked out a health food store and quickly BJ’s wholesale looking for cheap bulk goods.  Adding to my food stores is something I need to put more time into pretty soon.  The dehydrating is a tedious process, but I’m enjoying the outcome.  The Lentil Tapenade that I shared a recipe for is fantastic.  I keep nibbling on the dry portions. 
I discovered that I need to work on my dinners.  I was looking through my list to pick a meal to try out and none of them were sparking my interest.  If I don’t want to eat the meal fresh at home, I’m not going to want to eat it on the trail.
My printed Halfmile Maps
Besides working on food I ordered a couple more things from my list.  I bought a pot cozy and Tyvek for my tarp tent ground cloth yesterday.  My maps came in the mail today.  Each page looks like a work of art.  It’s a shame they are going to take a beating on the trail.  I sent in my PCT thru-hiker permit and Canadian Entry application on Monday.  Hopefully all goes well with them.
Yesterday my Mom and I started one of my simple sewing projects, but of course the sewing machine is on the fritz, so that has been put on hold.

My lists, updated:

Things to Buy:                                                Things To Make, Modify, or Repair:
Long sleeve base shirt                                     Pack cover
Long sleeve hiking shirt                                  Pillow (maybe not)
Short sleeve hiking shirt                                  Hygiene ditty bag
Sports bra                                                        Tent modification and repair
Zip-off pants                                                   Tyvak ground cloth (purchased needs customizing)
Running shorts                                                Tent stuff sack modification
Dirty Girl Gaiters                                            Sleeping bag liner  
Sunglasses                                                       Sleeping pad modification
Ursack Minor food bag                                   Rain skirt modification
Watch                                                              Things to Do:
Pot cozy(ordered-be here next week)              Dehydrate lots and lots of food (in the works)
Camp shoes                                                     Read planning handbook/ Trail handbook
Hiking shoes                                                   Prep resupply boxes
Guidebook                                                      Start a journal
Maps                                                               Make an Itinerary
Phone                                                              Apply for permits
Bear canister                                                   Wash sleeping bag
Ice axe (most likely)                                       Break handbook and maps up into sections
MicroSpikes                                                   Taxes (not strictly PCT but needs to be done)
Plane ticket                                                    

And I really want to go on a hike.  I am getting so tired of the gym.  I need a 15-20 mile section on the Florida Trail to take my pack for a hike. 

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