Mile 1491 to Castella at mile 1506
After hiking for about 15 minutes today the trees thinned out and there was Shasta looking fancy in white against a cloudless blue sky. I had to stop and admire her beauty for a few minutes and take a few photos.
I guess we did most of the climb last night, or at least the steepest part of the climb. I had anticipated more climbing in the morning before walking the ridge-I was pleased for that not to be the case.
The first seven miles to the first water source for the day went by fast. Before getting water we checked the maps to see how much to take and found out that we were less than a mile from the 1500 mark. We both took a liter and than hurried on.
Portrait's iPhone was out of juice so we had no GPS to tell us where the 1500 mark was so I was hoping someone had made one. All we knew was that it was a tenth of a mile before a spring.
I only heard the spring long enough to know it wasn't wind caught in the leaves when I saw the 1500 mark on the trail in front of me. It was made from three different types of flowers and a few ferns for the one. It looked like something fairies would make to welcome us to their one hundred miles of trail.
From there it was only six miles to town. Interstate five was loud-it sounded like we would be run over at the next switchback. The trucks sounded like they were just out of sight beyond the trees.
We continued to make good time. We stopped for an early lunch- I still had too much food for a town day. I had a lot less food after the quick stop.
Finally the trail switchbacked for the last time spitting us out on a road. The trail dipped back into the woods for a few minutes and than it was road walking the rest of the way into town. Before taking the side road into town we walked up to the trail head, about another 50 yards, so we could make sure our continues hikes stay that way.
At the PO my three packages weren't there even though I knew I sent one there from Sierra City. The one I sent to the PO I wanted to bounce ahead which is free if the package isn't opened or taken out of the PO. I was happy to find all three next door at the store, but I wasn't sure if I could still bounce a box for free. Turns out I could.
I also found Stride at the store (and an orange Slurpee). We were able to catch up again, and with less pressure this time. She had mail issues as well. Her boxes wasn't in town anywhere so she had to hike on without it.
We hung out at the picnic table with a slowly changing group of hikers until dinner time and then headed over to the state park campground which had PCT sites. A good sized group of hikers were staying the night. We sat around the picnic table (a rare and wonderful treat) until full dark and then went to bed.
I guess we did most of the climb last night, or at least the steepest part of the climb. I had anticipated more climbing in the morning before walking the ridge-I was pleased for that not to be the case.
The first seven miles to the first water source for the day went by fast. Before getting water we checked the maps to see how much to take and found out that we were less than a mile from the 1500 mark. We both took a liter and than hurried on.
I only heard the spring long enough to know it wasn't wind caught in the leaves when I saw the 1500 mark on the trail in front of me. It was made from three different types of flowers and a few ferns for the one. It looked like something fairies would make to welcome us to their one hundred miles of trail.
From there it was only six miles to town. Interstate five was loud-it sounded like we would be run over at the next switchback. The trucks sounded like they were just out of sight beyond the trees.
We continued to make good time. We stopped for an early lunch- I still had too much food for a town day. I had a lot less food after the quick stop.
Finally the trail switchbacked for the last time spitting us out on a road. The trail dipped back into the woods for a few minutes and than it was road walking the rest of the way into town. Before taking the side road into town we walked up to the trail head, about another 50 yards, so we could make sure our continues hikes stay that way.
At the PO my three packages weren't there even though I knew I sent one there from Sierra City. The one I sent to the PO I wanted to bounce ahead which is free if the package isn't opened or taken out of the PO. I was happy to find all three next door at the store, but I wasn't sure if I could still bounce a box for free. Turns out I could.
I also found Stride at the store (and an orange Slurpee). We were able to catch up again, and with less pressure this time. She had mail issues as well. Her boxes wasn't in town anywhere so she had to hike on without it.
We hung out at the picnic table with a slowly changing group of hikers until dinner time and then headed over to the state park campground which had PCT sites. A good sized group of hikers were staying the night. We sat around the picnic table (a rare and wonderful treat) until full dark and then went to bed.
Trail Angels from Donner Pass
ReplyDeleteWe hope this e-mail finds you well and still hiking Northbound. Shadow, Judy (dog), and I had a great time meeting you and filling your stomach full of hotdogs and beer. We will be traveling around the Ashland, OR area for the next couple weeks so please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
"hike your own hike"
Country Mouse, Shadow, and Judy