Saturday, February 25, 2012

44 Days-The Flight is Booked

Planned on buying a phone, bought a flight instead
Last night after getting home from dinner and cell phone research I booked my flight to California. I’ve known for awhile now when I wanted to fly and start my hike.  For some reason it seemed like bad luck to proclaim a start date.  I am a superstition person so it doesn’t surprise me that I would come up with some random one about PCT start dates.
I'll be flying April 11th into San Francisco were I will stay for roughly five days and then somehow I will make my way to San Diego where I will stay for about five days.  In addition to the food dehydrating, gear sewing, shoe buying, sleeping bag washing, map organizing I need to plan a two city California tour.   The plan is to see everything:  to sight see like I’ll never get the chance again.  It should be exhausting—which is of course the best thing to do before starting a long and sometimes grueling five month long hike.
My PCT hike will start April 22, 2012.

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